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Account termination
Updated over a week ago

Only free members can cancel their membership.

If you are currently subscribed to a paid plan, please unsubscribe after your subscription ends.

  • Please note that videos and images created with your VCAT account will not be restored if you leave VCAT. Be aware of this before proceeding.

  • If you signed up using a social login, please follow the instructions below to access and disconnect from the app to fully cancel your membership.

[Cancelling method]

Top right profile menu > My account > Basic info > Delete account

1️⃣ Profile > My account

2️⃣ Basic info > Delete account

📌 You signed up with a social account login,

you must follow the steps below to cancel membership.

[Disconnect from NAVER]

  • PC : NAVER Profile Settings > Security Settings > History > Manage connected services

  • Mobile : NAVER App Settings > Privacy & Security > History > Manage connected services

[Disconnect Kakao]

[Disconnecting Google]

  • PC : Google Account Management > Security > Third-party apps and services

  • Mobile : Google Account Management > Security > Connect third-party apps and services

#unsubscribe #unsubscribe inquiry #delete account #cancelling membership

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